My First Haircut!
Saturday, September 12, 2009:
We decided it was time to give Ella her first haircut. She literally had hair on the sides of her head that was like 3 to 4 inches long. The top had pieces that stuck way out and others that were barely there; and the back was super short from rubbing it all off. She was starting to look like a little orphan. So we gave her a little trim. What a challenge! Dan tried to entertain her while I trimmed the hair. She wiggled and grabbed at the scissors and tried to look to see what I was doing. It took us forever! She got really bored with the whole ordeal and eventually we just had to call it quits even though there were a few more pieces we could have evened out. It ended up a little shorter than I wanted, I was worried that it was a boy haircut. But I got over that pretty quick, she doesn't look like a boy! It looks really nice, especially now that it's been a month(I'm working on posting those pics); it allowed some of her really short hairs to catch up with the others. Her hair is starting to get thick now, but it's super fine and platinum blonde so it almost disappears with her skin. Everywhere we go we hear "Look how blonde her hair is, she's so cute!"
"Yahh! I can play now!"
Posted in: on Friday, October 16, 2009 at at 8:45 PM