Ella's Coat

December 12, 2009:

We put Ella in her coat and then we put her in her car seat:
poor girl couldn't even move; her arms were just stuck like that. I bet she couldn't breathe either. Poor girl :( Notice the binkie, she was trying so hard to get it in her mouth, but it just wouldn't work. We felt so bad that for the rest of the month we didn't put her coat on her, we just wrapped her up really good in blankets and stuck her in the car seat. We had a new car seat that was bigger, but we didn't want the airline to destroy it when we went to Utah for Christmas, so we waited to open it. When we got home from our Christmas trip, we moved her to the new car seat so now is is warm and can breathe. I was really sad to give up her little carrier car seat. I felt like we could go more places and she still would get a nap; It was so nice just to leave her in there if she was asleep. Oh well, I guess my baby isn't a baby anymore.